Friday, November 27, 2009

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

The music the majority of them listen to= Promotes violence. not real music, referred to as "crap music".

Their clothes or the trends they follow= Gangsta-ish, non-classy.

Their slang or what the majority of them speak= Deemed un-educated sounding.

Their food= Fattening, unhealthy.

Their curves= Not thick but fat.

Hair= Un-attractive.

Unique names= Not original, but ghetto.

It just seems now that I think about it, everything they do or like it is deemed a 'no no'.

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

I have listened to the rap...and any music by whatever color that promotes killing cops and raping women is not good... It does't matter to me what color the singer is, if that is their message, then it is crap.

The clothes change and the biggest problem with some of them is that the gangs have adopted them. Therefore with the stigma the gangs have, is it any wonder that people look down on the styles?

Have you REALLY listened to eubonics. Listened without prejudice. It does sound uneducated.

Is the food fattening? Is it unhealthy? Many of the foods we ALL eat today are unhealthy and combined with no exercise has lead to the obesity trend that is so prevelant today. Look around the next time you go into a resturant... probably 1/2 to 3/4 of the diners will be overweight. So if the food is fattening and unhealthy do something about it.

I have seen slim black women and I have seen fat black women. Just as I have seen slim white women and fat white women. WE are all different. I do think that blacks have different physical attributes, but fat is usually due to the diet and no exercise.

If the hair is clean, combed, and taken care of, it is attractive, Black hair is just different.

Names change over the years. What is popular today will be out of fashion in 20 years. Don't worry about names.

The thing to do is quit whining about everything. Be proud of who you are. Then don't expect to please everyone. the only thing that bugs me is the Black-American thing. If you are born in this country, then you are an American, color has nothing to with anything. You might want to celebrate your heritage, but not expect any special considerations just because of color. We are all human.

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

it is with the white folk

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

yeah i know exactly what you mean. people just assume way too much. i get in plenty of arguments defending rap and hip-hop, but i finally realized that people ***** just to *****.

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

Great! I guess whites just hate us. I totally get that now. I guess we made it on the "God's greast mistakes list" again for the 100th year running.

It appears that whites never tire of telling us what a useless pile of crap we are, but you know something? We are still here, and we appear to be able to take everything the whites can dish out so I'm not going to worry about pin-headed whites judging my every move anymore.

For a race that's pretty much kicked everyone's azz, they are so insecure.

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

By Whom are they so deemed?

Not me.

Mr.Whitey doesnt have to like it, but he doesnt dictate taste or make ALL the rules anymore.

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

Can't we all get along?

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

Well, I agree about the rap music but plently of white people like it, too.

The food isn't so much a "black" thing as it is a "southern" thing. I live in the south and just as many white people fry food as black people. No, it's not healthy but it is tasty!

I think black hair is awesome! I envy the texture of black peoples hair. I'd love to have it. I can put my hair up and it falls down in 2 minutes. They can keep great hairstyles for days!

And I'm just taking a guess here, but I think if you think everything all black people do is unsatisfactory, then you don't know too many of them. Yeah, there are a few gansters %26amp; wanna be's, but there are also many, many, intelligent, kind, hard-working African American people out there. I bet if you'll take some time to expand your horizons and meet some of them, you'll see what I mean.

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

So basically, you're focusing only on the "gangsta" black people. There are plenty of black people that don't fit under this category. Maybe you've heard of Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, George Washington Carver..? I don't think anyone will ever say that these individuals only produced "unsatisfactory" results. As for music, not all black people sing "crap" music that promotes violence. Several American Idol finalists have been black, and there are many black singers that are praised in the music industry. I even listen to some rappers that don't promote violence. It's Christian, and that's the reason it's not violent, but it's still black people rapping about appropriate topics.

Probably the main reason society labels "gangstas" is becuase they want to be labelled that way. They speak in uneducated ways on purpose, they don't pay attention when teachers are trying to educate them, and they try to lead a "gangsta" life. Not always, but this can extend to being in a gang, committing crimes for peer acceptance/attention, or bustin a cap on someone.

Blacks also seem to play the racist card a lot. And by a lot I mean way too much. I know it's not all of them, because that WOULD be racist, but many times if you say something negative about a black politician or someone of importance, someone always brings up race. A blind man could say the Condaleeza Rice makes poor decisions, and someone somewhere would accuse him of being a racist.

So it's not that society calls all blacks unsatisfactory, it's just those that don't give the effort to better themselves. It has nothing to do with race, because there are whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians that are all accused of the same laziness.

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

Who deems everything blacks do unsatisfactory?

The gangster style is copied from gangsters.... and whom do we know to have started that .... mostly Italians/Sicilians.

Slang language in very common in nearly all races/cultures.

The food in lots of cultures is fattening ... try eating at some of those upscale French restaurants!

As for the people being fat --- the latest news reports that too many Americans are over weight.... and that isn't limited to just the black race.

Hair --- as for that try styling some Asian hair or someone who is Latino or Hebrew ... many of them got some thick , steel wool type hair too!

Unique names.... take a look at what some famous whites have named their kids.... Moon Unit Zappa and Dweezil Zappa(Frank Zappa's kids and grandchild Mathilda Plum); Scout LaRue, Tallulah Belle and Rumer(Demi Moore and Bruce Willis's kids)

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

I will tell you what i think...

Everything black people do, white people follow right? Look at eminem for example.

Clothes - Just turn on MTV or something and look they're all wearing "COOL" clothing which is baggy pants, gangsta-ish, non classy. "COOL" because black people wear them and they're cool!

Slang - Are you serious? Go look up the definition of slang. Oh wait, you just defined it ;-)

Food - Italians only eat pizza and spaghetti, right? Mexicans only eat Tacos and burritos? Stereotypes! As if watermelon and fried chicken are really bad and unhealthy.

Curves - 10lbs of sand stuffed in a 2lb bag doesn't look curvy but fat. Thick women are hot as long as they can see their feet. And curves are this:

(.) (.)

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( , )

Hair - Most black women wear weaves, and most black men have fro's. White people are just jealous they can't grow them. Don't hate the haters. It'll turn you into one.

Unique Names - Have you read the top10 list of black names? They're not unique if they're based on a luxurious car or expensive clothing.

I'm not sure who deemed it unsatisfactory but every race, color, species has that one ******* asshole that ruins it for the rest of them. I think in slang it's "IGNANT".

You think jews like to be called cheap, even though they are, lol?

You think whites like to suck at jumping, running and playing ball, lol?

You should stop listening to the 'mainstream media' which is run by you guessed it conservatives and snobs that like to bring down anyone but themselves.

However, uncalled for is all the attitude some black women have with the "EX (pause) CUSE ME!" *finger snaps*, ok?

I hope this helps you. I'm latino 1/2 and 1/2 before you think i'm on either side. I wish all whites and blacks would admit that none of them would be where they are today without one another. I guess none of the races/colors/countries will unite until some other threat like aliens come along.

:-) Just be happy with yourself.

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

I think that the deeming is mostly in your mind.

Let me answer your question with this.

What do you think of black people?

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

I must state that this is not a reflection of all Blacks as clearly the writer has forgotten that there is a whole continent called Africa and another diasopra called the Caribbean which has black people who are leaders, teachers, pastors, contributors and changers.

As a Caribbean woman I do not appreciate it that all Blacks are under this label. In my part of the world the Prime Ministers are Black, the Leaders of Government and Business are Black. The teachers and changers are Black. Yes we have other ethnicities but my point is black american hip hop and gansta culture is NOT a reflection of Black people world wide and I would certainly appreciate it if you would educate yourself of the cultures of the world.

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

The music: not just black people listen to it. I live in a suburban area of Massachussets, and the area is predominantly white. The white kids know more about these artist than I do. The music is a generation thing, not a black thing.

The slang: again, not just black people. It's a mentality, not a race.

The food: when your'e poor, you eat what's cheap. What about balonga? I know a lot of poor people who eat badly because it is expensive to eat healthy. Again, not a race thing, but a class thing.

Curves: The fact that you think their fat is your opinion. Just because some people don't look like they just came straight from a consentration camp doesn't mean they're fat. Some people actually like big butts, and big boob. I will admit that there are some fat ones, but Hello! There's fat in every race, even Asian!

Hair- Again, it is your opinion that you think the hair is unattractive. I think some hair that is stringy straight is boring and you cant do anything with it. Some of it is just too long and it looks gross. Again, this is my opinion.

Unique names- I agree with you on that one.

So think about what you are saying before you say it please. Thanx.

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

People who shoot off at the mouth with this nonsense are very easy to overshadow in school, employment, economically and in other facets of life. When in fact this happens, people who "think" like you start bellowing it was the race card, etc. Fortunately other than this forum, I do not routinely encounter people possessing the magnitude on ignorance you portray. Perhaps "thinking" is your problem, given your limited fund of information and knowledge. Instead of this misguided effort you purport to devote to "thinking;" perhaps your time would be better spent being silent and learning. Hint" trying to equate the nonsense you discuss with daily life for Black Americans is like saying Desperate Housewives is typical behavior for White People; you watch entirely too much television.

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

Clothes- I kinda agree w/ you on that

Music- Lol..True. I can't even begin to deny that, I've seen this

happen plenty of times in the music section..thousands of times.

Slang- True..I've seen numerous questions about AAVE.

Food- False. Every food is fattening..pretty much..

Curve thing- True sometimes..most people think you have to be pencil thin to be skinny, and their is no such thing as being thick..

Hair-True..They say our hair is nappy, tangled, and is like a Brillo Pad or something..

Names-True..Undeniably true..

By the way..what race are you?

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

What do they do that isn't deemed unsatisfactory?

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

Not everything. Most assumptions by association are incorrect; there are just as many "where did they get THAT name???" kids in poorer "White America" as there are in Southwest Philadelphia, Mississippi, or Atlanta.

If you look at almost every minority culture in America, Jews included, they all reached a point during their time in this country where they collectively decided what would be points of pride, and what would be disgraces to the race; more importantly, they made sure _every_ member of that culture knew which was which. For a time (1955-90), Black folk did that quite well-- we would NOT be illiterate objects of ridicule in media, we would wear our hair how WE wanted (hence the Afro), and we would make statements on the world as WE saw it (q.v., Public Enemy, Village People, Marvin Gaye, et. al.)--but at some point in the last 15 years, we've allowed the message, one that people died to keep alive, to get twisted; baggy pants are part of prison culture, yet you see white kids-- not typically the majority of American prisoners-- borrowing the look from black kids who don't really know why they wear it, except that (insert quasi-gangsta rapper here) does, and says it's cool.

I won't say all young Black people fall prey to the message that "if White folks do it, it's bad/wrong/evil/anti-Black"; for every child wanting to be 50 Cent, there're probably two or three with Oprah Winfrey or Sen. Barack Obama on their walls-- but the message that gets attention is that if you're Black, in order to be according-to-Hoyle "Black", getting an education, working three jobs to stay out of the legal/penal system, and trying to make something of yourself without first entertaining White people (via music or sports) are offenses punishable by being tagged "NOT BLACK" and shunned and mocked by those who illustrate, espouse, and sometimes extol the assumptions the original poster makes.

Another observation: Ever notice that the Black people most offended by the stereotypes of the 1930s and 1940s are usually the ones setting the stereotypes of today?

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?





Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

You get angry when someone pulls out what you call a race card but your argument is based on race. I'm Black, I'm a vegan, I don't have what "you" consider a ghetto name and I grew up in an all black area, I do listen to hip-hop but most of the hip-hop I listen to is positive, and please don't give me that "okay so you're an exception" BS. Many black people are not like the stereotypes you just listed. STOP GENERALIZING!!

Why is almost everything Black people do deemed unsatisfactory?

Where are you getting your information from, most of the things you said was BS. It's people like you that have a tough life..i hope you do. I hate ignorance. Go get a life that is well taught and thought of.

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