Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

My sister is considered a "scene queen" at our school. Or.. the Audrey Kitching

of the high school. REally popular and is copied by everyone.. you know??

she starts trends that everyone follows, no matter what click your in, she is pretty,

tall and she is just like perfect!! I am never noticed though and it really sucks.

she tries to get me "in" but it never seems to help. Like she helped me by cutting

my hair, dying it, putting in extensions, did my makeup etc.. and even put me in her

group of friends but they still rejected me. I dont want to be popular but im tired of

getting called "Malice's little sister" instead of Hannah.

What can I do so I stand out on my own??

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

You will always be in your sisters shadow if she is helping you to be "in". Be you, not a younger copy of your sister. I know it's hard to believe now, but you (Hannah) will be better off if you focus on what you want and think than on being who your sister is.

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

is her name marsha by any chance?

Marsha Marsha Marsha

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

Stop worrying so much about your stupid sister and be your own person.

That's a good start.

Popularity is such a high school thing... Who cares. If you have friends of your own, that's all that matters.

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

My advice to you is to stay true to who you are. Be yourself. That is all you can be. High school is a tough time in a person's life when it comes to socialzing. The good part about it is that it won't matter 5 years from now when you are in the real world and on your own or in college.

In order to stand out on your own, think of your own interests and what you like to do. Perhaps join some clubs at school that deal with your interest or start your own with a group of your friends.

Life isn't about being popular. So be yourself. That is all you can be. :)

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

If you want to stand out on your own, you shouldn't try to be a clone of your sister. Her friends already have one of her, and they don't need another. Be your own person: get your hair cut the way YOU like, wear the clothes YOU like and do your makeup the way YOU like. People who seek popularity seldom find it: just be YOU and be happy to have your own friends and do your own thing. I know it's not easy when you have a 'perfect' older sibling in school with you: I went through it too, and so have many others. If you pursue your own interests and quit trying to compete with Malice, you WILL become your own person and people will be able to separate you in their minds. Be true to YOU: don't try to be a little Malice. You'll be out of school soon and it won't matter anymore. Good luck!

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

physical beauty fades but inner attitude stays with you..i think that's the best thing..if your trying to be like your sister top get everyone's attention then your not in true,just be yourself and i'm sure in no time they will like you not just malice's lil sis but hannah..goodluck!

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

Make new friends, totally ignore your sister's friends and life. Have your own life with people that will respect you and treat you as if you're the best person alive. Good luck...

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

Just be yourself, and stop trying to be her..... or like her..

You are who you are... you want your own identity, not fashioning yourself after someone.

You are an individual and should stay true to yourself.

You should be happy that she is kind and nice to you as a sister. She cares about your feelings..... but not all of us are leaders in this life.. she just happens to be...

Be proud of what is inside of you.. the nice person you are and be friendly...

it is time for Hannah to step out of her shell and be noticed by her age group and not her older sister's friends... that is why you don't hang with them.

You are trying to compete with older more mature girls and you will fail every time....

so what to do....

Get involved in some clubs, be yourself and dress the way you like, do your hair how you like it, and be a good person.....

You are not a clone of your sister...

This always happens to younger sisters when they go to the same school as the big sisters or brothers...

it will passs... don't be so impatient....she has been there longer than you.....

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

I never understood why it was important to be "popular" in high school. I was part of the varsity volleyball team for two years. I was part of the theatre, and an average student with grades no lower than a (B). Is your sister a straight "A" student? I realized that all the pretty, cool, and popular are the worst students when it comes to grades

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

You can relax. Stand out on your own - by having your own friends who you are close to because you like them, not because they fit somewhere on the hierarchy of popularity at school. You say you don't want to be popular but it seems like your complaint is that you are not popular! You'll be called her 'little sister' because you are - so it's not likely you can change that. If you think that by standing out, you will become someone who is not her 'little sister', you are wrong; you would become her 'equally popular little sister' and that's a best case scenario. There have to be benefits from being the scene queen's sister. If you think about it long enough, you can probably come up with one or two benefits - you have an instant introduction to a cool guy if you want it, for example. Attracting him on your own merits would be tough for anyone! So take advantage of things like that. And try some of the advice your sister has given you - if it feels right.

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

Release the need to be like your sister and find your own niche. Popularity is a highly overrated aspect of high school life. I am sure you have talents and abilities that your sister doesn't share with you. Learn to focus on those, instead of the qualities you may not have that your sister has. Learn to love yourself, and others will learn to appreciate you, too.

It sounds like your sister is great in the way she tries to help you out, and you are very fortunate to have each other. Stay close to her, because if you are lucky like me, she will wind up being your best friend for the rest of your life.

Good luck

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

your sister's name is Malice? Just be glad that isnt your name, see there you go, you got one up on her. Seriously, you need to remove yourself from your sister's shadow. You are in her shadow because you allowed yourself to be placed there. You need to stop comparing yourself to her, you need to be comfortable with your life and group of friends and let the true you come out and be happy with who you are. 5 years from now she will be out of high school, will you still be trying to be like her then? Will it matter to the school who Malice is when she is gone? I don't think so. Just be yourself and stop trying so hard to be your sister, she is doing a good job of doing that herself. You need to focus on you and make sure you know who you are.

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

Geek lay off the mtv's made.

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

Poor Hannah. I know a girl at my high school named Malice and she has a younger sister named Hannah. Malice is a ***** and her sister is the one who should be popular cause she is nice and doesnt wear lots of crazy makeup and her hair is one color instead of like 10. just be yourself, you'll find the right friends who like you and not friends who only will accept you if you look perfect.

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

go goth trust me you'll surely stand out maube not the way you want to but you will. my sis and i arte like you and your sis im the pretty one and she gets attenition by dressing all in black most of the time.

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

Be yourself sweetie...coz thats what you two people are same in this world. if your style aint good like ur sisters then so be it. be yourself, be with the people u like, think what you wanna think and do what you wanna do. a person makes friends only with those people who are like him, think like him, dress like him. so you'll find true friends anyway...but show off neva gets you real friendship. ur sisters status n all is temporary..come to think of it...all those dumasses who follow her will not even be able to recall her name some years down the line but the friends you make ....the friends that love YOU as you are will still be there for you.... :)

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

Continue to be you darling! There may be people in your school that wants to be "just like you", but you're probably blind to it. It seems like your sister was trying to push you into a place that you just don't fit. It's almost trying to stuff your feet into shoes that are too little. You may get your feet in, but sooner or later, you're going to experience pain..which is your feets' way of telling you, "Hey! Get me out of these things! They're too little for me!"

Trust me... your sister is not copied by everyone. Your sister is not perfect. No one is. I know it may suck sometimes to not be noticed. But I've learned that it's better to go unnoticed than noticed especially in school. People pay attention to you all the time. They see your imperfections, your mistakes, and flaws then often criticize you behind your back. Stop trying to be "in" with the crowd and accept and be "in" with yourself! In order to stand out on your own, you're going to have to be you. Period! No need to be fake in order to impress others because one day you may forget to be fake and its senseless. You never may start a trend on your own by just being Hannah.

My sister is popular and gets all the attenti?

Just be yourself. I had the same problem in High School and now it doesnt matter anyway. Things will work out in the end. I am much happier now than she has been since she got out of High School. Things will worl out Trust me

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