Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bangs or no Bangs ???

I have to wear my hair up at work everyday. I was thinking about changing and having bangs? Should I do this ? What is the latest trend? Thanks

Bangs or no Bangs ???

well there is no trend, ur hairstyle has to match the shape of ur face, but i would go with side bangs with the hair up its just so elegant and perfect for work

Bangs or no Bangs ???

bangs look good on everyone so i would say GO for it

Bangs or no Bangs ???

If you want bangs they need to be long enough to put to the side but i think you should go with no bangs :)

Bangs or no Bangs ???

bangs are very trendy right now. people think that bangs will get in your face, but short bangs are very stylish and are easy to maintane. GET BANGS GIRL!!

Bangs or no Bangs ???

Try it and see how you like them. You can always let them grow out. Change is nice sometimes.

Bangs or no Bangs ???

it's up to u, i think bangs look cute ,and without bangs looks sexy-so what do u prefer -cute or sexy

Bangs or no Bangs ???

Well you have to work with the shape of your face. But side bangs are very pretty and i think they will work.

Bangs or no Bangs ???

bangs only look good if you have a baby doll looking face and are skinny

Bangs or no Bangs ???

Side swept bangs.. They look great and you can still put them back (with a little poof) with bobby pins

Bangs or no Bangs ???

Speaking as someone who has bangs I'd say don't do it. Bangs are a pain. If you have a cowlick (that you don't even know is there now) it's even worse. When you wake up in the morning they are sticking all which way. They get greasy if you sweat a lot. They cause a tan line if you are out in the always have to make sure they are back to tan your forehead. And that is a challenge. Once you have them you just always have to DO something with them. If you get them...get very long ones that can go behind your ear. Just my opinion. :) Good luck.

Bangs or no Bangs ???

Bangs are really hot right now. If you have straight hair that's not too thick then you should be able to pull them off.

I caution you though. I'm growing mine out. In order for them to look neat and glamourus I had to trim them every couple of days...very annoying when you're trying to rush to work! Also, if you wake up late and need to just throw your hair up, you can't because you bangs will look like a disaster.

I'm sure I'll have bangs again some day...but right now they're more of a pain in the butt. Keep that in mind before you cut into your hair.

If you decide to do them....the longer the bang the more 'in' you are right now.


Bangs or no Bangs ???

yeh bangs are cool, heidi klum had a nice style.

Bangs or no Bangs ???

Sure, just make sure they are not cut short, you can alway cut more after they dry, and make them a little choppy so they don't look to perfect.

Bangs or no Bangs ???

Bangs are not cool. They cover up about 25-30% of your face, so your face is smaller and has less character. In addition, hair is oily, so pimples can sometimes occur from the bangs.

Bangs or no Bangs ???

go for it!

Bangs or no Bangs ???

Summer's don't want bangs in your hair while it's hot outside.

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