Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why do fads change so much?

when i was in 8th grade and even 9th grade, everyone listened to rap and had short hair and wore baggy jeans. any guy that wore girl pants would get made fun of. 10th grade seemed to be a transition year from one trend to another. now, in 11th grade, the style is long hair, tight jeans, and everyone listens to rock. why did styles change so fast?

Why do fads change so much?

its because of the public, of wats in and wats not, there are stars that promote such things, people want to be "cool" so they dress lik that.listen 2 rap for example they will talk about there money, clothes and in 9th grade and guys who listen 2 alot of rap dont want to look gay or uncool or poor and they dress lik the rappers

Why do fads change so much?

I have no idea. However, I like todays trends, even though i wasn't around for the past trends(I'm 14) I am SURE though that probably in 2015 or 2020 there will b new trends and my generations trends will be considered 'Old" like how we think of how our parents trends were.

Why do fads change so much?

because they want to know whats hot and whats not hot

i know, it changes a lot

Why do fads change so much?

because their just that, fads.

i personally never liked the rappers and i think long haired, tight jean wears, rock listening to people were hot. besides, rock is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than rap.

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