Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why are European Whites so diverse?

Blacks have babies with black hair and brown eyes,similiar facial features and same skin color.

Asains have babies with black hair and brown eyes,similiar facial structures and body type.

Arab or palestianian decent have babies with black hair and brown eyes, similiar facial structure and body types.

Are we noticing the trend yet?

Whites have babies with black, brown, blonde, red, chesnut hair, and eyes ranging from brown, blue, green, hazel, differant eye structures, noses and mouth shape. Skin tone is also differant some as white as driven snow, some a little darker, some with freckles some without. And body structures from petite to line backer.

Why are European Whites so diverse?

Your question is flawed/ Your observations are incorrect. It is objectively provable that European whites are in fact much LESS diverse than other races.

"These factors have led to tremendous variability amongst Africans: the continent is home to the tallest and shortest members of our species, variations in cranium and nasal width encompass 80% and 92% of the world range respectively... Africans have both the thickest and thinnest lips, the greatest variation in hair form and notable diversity in eye shape. Broad physiochemical variation, particularly in serological indices also characterize Africans... In fact there appears to be a major tendency to wards morphological and physiochemical polymorphisms in Africans, a trend that is in keeping with the high overall ecological heterogeneity and the general propensity for species to be most diverse in their geographic area of origin.

Jackson, F.L. "Evolutionary and political economic influences on biological diversity in African Americans". Journal of Black Studies. 23:4 539-560

"Caucasians don't show the widest variation in all traits, just certain superficial ones--hair color and texture and eye color, as you point out, along with skin color, which varies from very light to almost black. When it comes to something like height, on the other hand, Caucasians lose out to Africans, whose average stature ranges from 4'8" for adult male pygmies to 5'10" for adult male Batutsis. Similarly, other races show greater variation in nose configuration, distribution of body fat, and so on.

Finally, whatever may be said for Caucasians, all major races show substantial variation in coloration, largely because of adaptation to local conditions. For instance, it's generally conceded that skin pigmentation acts as a filter for the sun's ultraviolet rays, and it's possible to plot out a sort of gradient called a "cline" showing that the closer you get to the equator, whether it's in Africa, Europe, or Asia, the darker the characteristic skin color of the locals. Something similar may conceivably apply to eye or hair color."

Why are European Whites so diverse?

What about the african albino's? Who really cares? We are all the same, none of us chose to be born. We are all equal.....the end.

Why are European Whites so diverse?

You really need to get out of the house more, I know this square box you're looking into is fascinating but what's out there waiting for you to discover is even more fascinating.

Why are European Whites so diverse?

because the white race is evolved from the black race so whites have a variety of color in there offspring.

Why are European Whites so diverse?

great question but its called genes monsieur jean

Why are European Whites so diverse?

hm...that's a pretty good question...fairly true, but i know asians who have freckles and they range in size too...quite drastically. look at yao ming and then somone who is 4'10". and asians all don't have straight black hair, but some have thick hair and my sister as a baby actually had BLONDE hair, but now she has dark brown with naturally light streaks.

blacks all dont' have the same skin color. they range pretty much a lot too with really light where i (and i'm korean) am naturally darker than her to black black.

sure there are more diversity with european whites, but other races have a variety too.

Why are European Whites so diverse?

Total garbage. Is Colin Powell identical to Nelson Mandela?

Get out of the house more.

Why are European Whites so diverse?

The relatively low levels of melanin might allow for a few more obvious superficial appearance parameters due to variations in hair and eye color, but variations in skin tone are much broader among those of African ancestry, for example. Furthermore, I suspect in genotype Europeans are probably less diverse than those originating in most other continents if for no other reason than greater geographical expanse which would allow more genetic groupings to form.

Why are European Whites so diverse?

In fact they are not genetically speaking.

DNA testing and genetic analysis is a key tool in investigating man's ancient origins, in particular the competing out of Africa and multiregional theories. Broadly, the 'out of Africa' theory suggests that homo sapiens populated the rest of the world from Africa from a single starting point while the multiregional thesis suggests the human population arose in several places on the planet independently.

One startling new idea generated by comparing data from maternally- and paternally-inherited DNA is that our male and female ancestors didn't always travel together and that women seem to have dispersed their DNA more widely than the warrior men did.

The second is that all Northern Europeans could be descended from between just 50-1,000 Stone Age hunter-gatherers who survived the last Ice Age. One theory is that the population expanded from a small enclave of foragers who retreated south around 20,000 years ago to an area in the Balkans or Spain to escape the spread of the glaciers. Such genetic data fits in surprisingly well with archaeological clues. The findings suggest northern Europeans diverged from their African roots as recently as 27,000-53,000 years ago and were then subjected to a genetic bottleneck caused by the climate changes wreaked by the last Ice Age. The study measured the amount of shuffling of human DNA that has occurred over time by comparing Northern European DNA with the Nigerian population. While similar in many places, the European samples show large clumps of unshuffled genetic material, suggesting a recent breeding bottleneck. (The study is reported in the 10th May 2001 issue of the journal Nature.)

There are many good pre-history resources on the web if you want to look into this more deeply. BBC Online has an Apeman portal that ties in with a recent tv series. The University of California at Santa Barbara has a fascinating timeline of evolution with shockwave that allows you to rotate the view of different primate skulls at the key stages of human evolution. A good educational and promotional website in South Africa is Welcome to the Cradle of Humankind which has details of the World Heritage Site in the provinces of Gauteng and the North West where many of the oldest human remains have been found. Look for the neat shockwave presentation of evolving man!

The latest information about how DNA analysis is changing our view of our more distant origins is laid out in a special issue of Science magazine about evolutionary genetics and migrations.

Why are European Whites so diverse?

well my family came from Palestine and we are diverse. my dad is blonde with green eyes, i have a red head aunt, i have brown hair and light brown eyes, some of my cousins are blonde, and green seems to be the dominant eye color in my family followed by brown then hazel

i have never traveled overseas but i am sure if i did i would find diversity in all nations

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